Welcome to our raffle. We are running 2 separate lists. We do 95 spots at $10 each, and 100 spots at $20 each. We offer multiple options in every raffle. Below, you will find the current choices available for the winner. On Facebook, comment on the post how many spots you want followed by payment. Put the list number in the comment of your payment.
If you are not on Facebook, but want in on the fun, here's how to enter.
Text Jill at 937-207-4928 with your name and how many spots you would like. Follow up by sending payment to
Cash app $djcwaffle or
Venmo @djcwaffle
Words not to use include gun, raffle, tickets, etc.
Each drawing is live on Facebook. If you miss it, we will contact you if you win.
David is a FFL, so if you're not local near Springfield, Ohio he can ship your winner's choice to a FFL of your choice near you.
The design/color of each design are subject to vary slightly as David recreates each design to be one of its own.
Also, all of these items are available for purchase. Contact David for more information.
While you're here, take a look around our website.
We offer so much more!!! (We are still building our website)
Reach out to us with any questions or suggestions
David- 937-215-4470
Jill- 937-207-4928